Collaborate Launch Insights for the Denton County CAC
With 40,000 cases, 400,000 services, and over 250,000 case notes!
The Children’s Advocacy Center for Denton County (CACDC) is a child-friendly place where kids come to find help after incidents of sexual abuse. Their workflow is pretty sophisticated, so they needed a customized solution in place to easily maintain their clients and services - exactly the way they want to do it.
And that’s where Network Ninja came in with Collaborate, our case management software for non-profits and social services agencies. For about a year, we’ve been working hard with the CACDC to customize Collaborate to their needs. Here’s some of the things we did for them.
Data Migration
One of the biggest hurdles with CACDC, aside from it being 106F during our training there, was moving a couple decades of case history. We told them: “Keep what data you have, we’ll clean it, and move it over for you.”
In total, we migrated around 40,000 cases, 400,000 services, and over 250,000 case notes from their old database system into Collaborate.

Clinical Focus
We also worked together to enhance Collaborate’s Clinical functionality, some of the many highlights include:
Clinical Testing (CBCL, TSCC, TSCYC, UCLA PTSD)
Treatment Plans including DSM V diagnoses, therapy Goals and Outcomes, even Progress Notes and Followups, all easily reportable.
Success Takes Work and Experience
It’s never “easy”, but a successful rollout happens via lots of learning from and proper planning with actual experts - our clients.
Have questions? Interested in a Demo? We’re here for you.
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Customizable case management software for non-profits and social services agencies.