Simplifying Data Collection for Social Services Agencies

Collaborate’s External Forms put self-intakes, surveys, and referrals into the hands of clients and service providers.

The Collaborate team specializes in solutions that make social workers’ lives easier. One recent feature geared toward that objective is External Forms, which allow people from outside Collaborate to submit important info - like Client Surveys - that are automatically associated with Cases, Services, and Activities.

Screenshot of South Carolina's DSS Report section comparing referrals by service counties.

External Forms submissions, including self-intakes, referrals, and sign-ups for group sessions, are instantly available for staff to review in Collaborate.

Screenshot of South Carolina's DSS Report section comparing forensic interviews by service counties.

While saving time by eliminating manual processes, they’re also easily reportable to help organizations measure impact.

Screenshot of South Carolina's DSS Report section comparing forensic interviews by service counties.

Hop over to the Collaborate website for the entire rundown.


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A MacBook, iPad, and iPhone all showing Collaborate in action.

Customizable case management software for non-profits and social services agencies.