LegalServer Saves Time, Unlocks Remote Work for New York Public Defenders

Livingston County’s Defender and Conflict Offices conserve over 1,000 staff hours annually with intelligent case management software.

Public defenders often face an abundance of demand for their services, coupled with limited staff capacity. Livingston County, New York’s Defender and Conflict Offices recently sought ways to save attorneys time, while also empowering staff to work anywhere they choose.

They found the solution to those challenges with LegalServer.

A significant benefit for us in switching to LegalServer from PDCMS is our attorneys having access to the case management system from home, from court, and from any other location where they may need to access case files or discovery to review and discuss with clients.
Headshot of Heidi Bermudez.

Heidi Bermudez

Legal Administrative Assistant

Livingston County Public Defender's Office

By their estimate, the County is saving more than a thousand hours per year with the new system. They’re also able to easily and accurately report their impact to key funders, while monitoring attorney caseloads to ensure each client receives the proper representation.

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A MacBook, iPad, and iPhone all showing LegalServer in action.

The leading case management solution for civil legal aid agencies, public defenders, and city & county law departments.