Fair Housing Takes a Big Step Forward

LegalServer’s suite of case management and reporting tools help The Fair Housing Center unlock the doors of opportunity in their community.

For nearly 50 years, The Fair Housing Center (TFHC) has fought against unfair housing practices throughout Ohio. Looking to leverage technology to better serve their diverse clients, TFHC recently adopted LegalServer - and the upgrade has been transformative, according to CEO and General Counsel George Thomas.

Everyone feels very relieved that we now have a reliable case management system that can be updated immediately when we need it to be. We are also relieved that the grant reporting is easier with LegalServer as we can customize it to meet the needs of the grant.
Headshot of George Thomas.

George Thomas

CEO and General Counsel

The Fair Housing Center

Along with greater flexibility and reporting options, staff can now monitor the status of their work in real-time. “We created an organizational structure within LegalServer that makes it easy to quickly see how many cases we have of different varieties,” Thomas says. “This helps us see the big picture of how the cases are flowing.”

LegalServer’s integrated email functionality has been a boon as well. “LegalServer helps us achieve improved interactions with clients as we can easily see the email communications to date,” Thomas explains.

Head over to LegalServer’s website to see how case management technology assists TFHC’s mission to eliminate housing discrimination.


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